Playing with Reactive Quarkus

Here we go again for a new post 😁 After publishing my Quarkus book last September, I got many requests about creating reactive applications with the Quarkus Framework. Today, I will show you how to make a Reactive CRUD Application with the Quarkus Framework and backed by a PostgreSQL Database. Building our the Reactive Quarkus Application The full source code is available on my Github. We will generate our project using the Our application will need 8 extensions from the portal: ...

May 27, 2022 · 14 min

"Playing with Java Microservices with Quarkus and Kubernetes" is available in Early Access

Today is the big day 🥳🥳 My third book “Playing with Java Microservices with Quarkus and Kubernetes” is available in Early Access 🎉🎊🎈✨ Book cover I started working on the book starting from June 😁 I spent nearly 5 months presenting the most interesting and powerful features of the Quarkus Framework. When I started the Proof-of-concept, I didn’t have the idea of writing a book on Quarkus, I was just discovering. I found myself spending more and more time reading the documentation, trying some features and extensions, and then I got the idea to write the Quarkus version of my “Playing with Java Microservices” Book 😁 ...

October 23, 2020 · 3 min

Just finished the first four chapters..

Today, I will not be sharing a tutorial or a review, I will share with you my new book news ! 🥳 I just finished typing the fourth chapter. These four chapters belong to the first part of the story: the MoNoLITHiC dedicated part 🤪 .. What’s new ? In my previous book “Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift” there was a Docker-only chapter in the middle of the book. Now, in the book, there is no Docker-only chapter, there is a Chapter Zero dedicated for Containerization, with Docker and alternatives ! 😄 ...

August 10, 2020 · 2 min

Workshop Report: ENSI – January 2020

The workshop “Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes” was held from 02/01 to 04/01 - 2020, at the National School of Computer Sciences, in Manouba, Tunisia. Great gift 😍 The workshop was done on 21 Hours of training about Java, Spring Boot, DDD, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud Patterns, Azure AKS & Functions… Some Github repositories used in the sessions: Monolith Example Microservices Examples Speaker Deck The event was sponsored by Microsoft 😍🤩🥳 !! ...

January 4, 2020 · 1 min

Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes - ENSI 2020

I will be in the National School of Computing Sciences of Tunisia (ENSI Tunisia), from the 2nd to 4th January 2020, to animate a 20 Hours workshop, about Microservices in Java and how to deploy them as Docker Containers to Kubernetes. The event is organized by Mrs Rim Drira. The workshop content: Part 1: The Monolithics Era Part 2: Coding the monolith Part 3: Microservices Era Part 4: Applying DDD to the code Part 5: Meeting & Implementing the µservices concerns and patterns Part 6: Building the standalone µservices Part 7: Packaging µservices in containers Part 8: Falling in 🥰 with container orchestrator: KUBERNETES 😍 Part 9: Applying the Kubernetes Style Part 10: Meeting Azure ☁️ Part X: What ’s next ? Like every edition 😁 I would like to thank Mrs Rim Drira for the invitation and for all the great organization of the previous events. ...

December 27, 2019 · 1 min

Playing with Java in Azure Functions - New Release

In one of the previous posts, I introduced the Azure Functions Java. I felt that I need to write a dedicated tutorial to this great Azure Serverless service 😁 In this post, I will be covering many concepts in deep: Triggers and bindings Events and messaging Deployments & Consumptions Monitoring Generating the hello-world project We will scaffold a Java-based Azure Function project using Maven Archetypes, using this command: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $ mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=azure-functions-archetype \ -DappName=hello-world-app-example \ -DappRegion=FranceCentral \ -DresourceGroup=helloworld-rg \ \ -DartifactId=helloworld-functions \ -Dpackage=com.helloworld \ -DinteractiveMode=false The generated project will look like: ...

October 19, 2019 · 25 min

Playing with OpenShift 4 locally

January 2018, Red Hat acquired CoreOS for 250 million dollars 🤩. CoreOS was one of the leading companies of Linux & Containers market with their wide offer of products: CoreOS Tectonic: container application platform based on Kubernetes. CoreOS Container Linux: lightweight Linux distribution designed to run containerized applications. CoreOS Operators Framework: an open source toolkit designed to manage Kubernetes native applications. CoreOS Quay: a container registry for building, storing, and distributing your private containers. CoreOS rkt: an application container engine developed for modern production cloud-native environments. even more and more.. Red HatOpenShift 3.x was facing many big problems especially in installations and upgrades. It was a real nightmare to install an OCP Cluster. I never heard an OCP Admin talking about upgrading OCP without discussing the problems that they faced. Personally, I worked for two customers from 2017 to 2019 that adopted OCP, and when it comes to cluster upgrades they were dedicating time and they were bringing people from Red Hat to help them do that 😂 Although, the upgrades were guaranteed by Red Hat in all technical and commercial announcements. ...

September 20, 2019 · 8 min

Playing with Java in Azure Functions and Azure DevOps

Before the introduction This is my first tutorial about one of the Microsoft’s tools and platforms.. I started working for Microsoft on May 6th, I started to look to this huge and mysterious world by the eyes of a Java Developer. I will try to make some tutorials based on the great tools that I use or discover in the Microsoft ecosystem 😊 ⚠️ Disclaimer : This is not a marketing content 😆 I just want to share with you a feedback about tooling to boost your productivity and to make the Java journey wonderful 😍 ...

August 9, 2019 · 12 min

Le petit guide pour débuter en Java bel Tounsi

كيفاش نولي Développeur Java باهي ؟ 🤔 الJava ام الدنيا على عكس ما يتخيله برشة وخيان هي لغة برمجة ساهلة برشة.. واضحة وحتى les notions المعقدة فيها كيف تركز فيها تلقاها حلوة.. قبل ما تبدى ادڨدڨ في الكود.. لازمك bagage باهي في الalgorithmique.. الحاجة اللي تفرق بين Développeur باهي وخايب هي طريقة التفكير متاعو في حل اي مشكل.. التمشي باش تفكك المشكلة وطريقة تقديم الحل لازمها شوية خدمة.. برشة كتب خوارزميات توجدت باش تعطي بعض الحلول لبرشة مسائل معروفة.. كيما problème de voyageur de commerce وحتى ابسط مثلا كيفاه تلوج على élément في وسط Tableau.. نعرف اللي برشة منكم توة يحبوا يتعدوا direct للكود وماشي في بالهم تضييع وقت الalgorithme.. وبرشة زادة يقلك اللي نعرفوا يزي المهم خليني نبدى نكودي وتو بعد نرجعلوا.. عيب يا لولو.. من المستحسن تعمل تعمق باهي في الalgorithmique وبعد ارمي روحك في احضان الكود موش هارب.. علاش هذا الكل؟ على خاطر ببساطة الناس اللي كتبت الجافا ام الدنيا حضروا برشة des fonctions اللي يطبقوا فيها برشة des algorithmes معروفين.. كيف تبدى انت تعرفهم اكيد باش تعرف كيفاه ووين باش تستعملهم وهاذي تتسمى efficacité وهي من اكبر نقاط القوة متاع مبرمج كاسح.. كيما يقول Jérôme “زايد باش نعاودوا نخترعوا العجلة”.. استعمال الموجود هو اكبر ركائز الopen source والdéveloppement logiciel.. وهنا يجي concept اخر بين الخوارزميات والكود وهو الdesign pattern.. وهو عبارة على recette متاع ممارسة معينة.. مثلا في الطبخ يقلك كي تحل خميرة في ماء سخون زيدها سكر باش تتحل اكثر وخير.. de même في البرمجة يقلك كان تحب تعمل code générique تنجم تستعمل القالب Décorateur.. القوالب هاذم موش برشة هما 23 وبداو يزدوا من وقت اللي جتنا الCloud.. بالرغم اللي هما موش برشة، للأسف برشة مبرمجين ما يعرفهمش وحنى كان يعرفهم ما يستعملهمش.. والنتيجة حتمية.. ما اتبعش الrecette الماكلة فما risque تجي موش باهية.. الكود اصعب من الماكلة على خاطر الfinalité متاع الماكلة هي الtoilette 😁 اما ااكود ماشي للproduction.. وحتى كان نهار لقيتوا production تشبه للcuvette راو 99 بالمائة من الDéveloppeuret اللي يخرجوا في كود زبالة.. 😂 ...

July 23, 2019 · 4 min

Podcast: Meet the 2019 Oracle Groundbreaker Award Winners

Oracle Groundbreakers Podcast #368 features a conversation with the winners of the Oracle Groundbreaker Awards 2019. The discussion covers their career journeys, their thoughts on where software development is today, and on where it’s going tomorrow. But before we meet the award winners, a little background on the Oracle Groundbreaker Awards is in order. Launched in 2018, the Oracle Groundbreaker Awards recognize developers who exhibit not only extraordinary technical skill, but also the ability to inspire others, and the vision to bring the future a little closer. Nominations are submitted by the Oracle developer community, and a short list of developers is chosen from among those nominees. From that short list the community then selects the four award winners. ...

July 18, 2019 · 1 min