Le petit guide pour décrocher un stage bel Tounsi

اليوم باش نكتب post لاول مرة بالدارجة التونسية باش الكلام الكل يكون amical وموش formel.. 😁 الstage وما أدراك من الstage من أكبر المعضلات اللي تقابل أي طالب مهما كان اختصاصو والا diplome متاعو.. قبل كان ماشي في بالي اللي كان الLMD تاعبين باش يلقو stage.. أما كيف دخلت للحياة المهنية، عرفت اللي حتى طلبة الهندسة باش يدبرو stage حالتهم متعبة أصل.. الحالة التعيسة هاذي السبب فيها هو نفس سبب تدني المهن في تونس وهو سبب معروف: المحاباة وهو مايعرف بالدارجة “بالأكتاف”.. اللي عندو شكون في شركة وخاصة في opérateur téléphonique ما يخممش باش يلوج على stage.. جوو باهي من اللول.. لا تخمم ولا تشقى tonton في الtunisiana 😆😆 علاش قلت Tunisiana بالذات؟؟ على خاطر في 2011 تمنيت نعمل فيها stage d’été ومانجمتش حتى نصب demande.. اللي عندو les épaules مرحبا بيه والباقي في الأمان.. الحاصل tgata3t وسهلي ربي في stage في الBFI يعمل 66 كيف والحمد لله.. ...

June 11, 2019 · 10 min

London Trip - June 2019

I attended the Microsoft OpenHack Kafka from the 3rd to the 5th of June in London. I had some free time to do a small visit to the City. As always, my Lumix G7 was travelling with me 😆 The first day, when I just arrived, I wanted to visit the Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster. Unfortunately, the Big Ben is under maintenance. I couldn’t see it 😭😭 But, I could the chance to shoot the 🇺🇸 US Marine One ! 🤩🤩 ...

June 6, 2019 · 2 min

Big up! My book is FREE now !!

To celebrate the Groundbreaker Award and Oracle Code New York, my book “Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift” will be FREE forever ! This is a gift is for the community that voted for me and helped me to achieve this great award ! 🤩 The book is available on the Leanpub website: Thank you so much for voting for me !! 🥳

May 22, 2019 · 1 min

Porto Trip - May 2019

I got the chance to visit Porto city, Portugal, quickly for two days 🤩 yeah 😅 for only 48 hours ! Here some photos from this great & authentic city: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nebrass78/albums/72157708840233892

May 9, 2019 · 1 min

Discovering Machine Learning ?!

Some days ago, I got an idea to make a personal project about “Connected Devices”. This idea led me to discover some Artificial Intelligence and especially Machine Learning. The first thing that I did: I started seeking for a good course in many websites: edx, coursera and udemy.. These are the most popular sites of elearning that I am usually referencing to when I want to attack new technology or any CS field. ...

April 22, 2019 · 3 min

Playing with Istio Service Mesh on Kubernetes

What is Istio? Google presents Istio as an open platform to connect, monitor, and secure microservices. Istio is a service mesh implementation that provides many cloud-native capabilities like: Traffic management: Service Discovery, Load balancing, Failure recovery, A/B testing, Canary releases, etc… Observability: Request Tracing, Metrics, Monitoring, Auditing, Logging, etc… Security: ACLs, Access control, Rate limiting, End-to-end authentication, etc… Istio delivers all these great features without any changes to the code of the microservices running with it on the same Kubernetes cluster. ...

March 10, 2019 · 22 min

New book update #2

I just updated my book « Playing with Java Microservices with Kubernetes and OpenShift » 😃 The book now is in General Availability. Thank you so much for choosing my book and for the time that you gave to me !

February 2, 2019 · 1 min

New book update #1

I just updated my book « Playing with Java Microservices with Kubernetes and OpenShift » 😃 The release changelog: Fixed some typos 🙈 I just finished writing the Chapter 14: Getting started with OpenShift 👌 I started writing the Chapter 15: The OpenShift style 🎶 I started working on Istio Tutorial that will be the first bonus chapter in the book ⚡️⚡️ I will be covering more and more subjects soon 😁 ...

January 20, 2019 · 1 min

My new book is here !!

Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift is here ! Today, November 24th 2018, I released my new book Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift!! Finally, after ten months of work, tests, POCs and many edition iterations, the newborn is here ! The book is edited and sold on the LeanPub platform 🤩 The book is sold mainly in two different offers: The Book only The Book + one hour of training about Java Microservices and Kubernetes/OpenShift I have some ideas about making some other packages, I will post about them soon ! Stay tuned !! ...

November 24, 2018 · 1 min

Workshop Report: ENSI – November 2018

The workshop “Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes” was held from 19/11 to 24/11, at the National School of Computer Sciences, in Mannouba, Tunisia. The workshop was done on 18 Hours of training about Java, Spring Boot, DDD, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud Patterns, CI/CD… Some Github repositories used in the sessions: Monolith Example Microservices Examples We got even a special guest, my techno-mate Houssem Dellai, the great Microsoft MVP, that presented, thru a 3 Hours session, Docker & Kubernetes and the CI/CD lifecycles with a great demo of Azure DevOps for the students of ENSI Tunisia. ...

November 24, 2018 · 1 min